

研究指導を成功させる方法(Eleven Practices of Effective Postgraduate Supervisors)



The manuscript below is how to teach postgraduate students effectively. The authors are professors from the University of Melbourne. This manuscript is for supervisors of students like professors, I recommend to read this to students (What do you expect to your students when you become a supervisor?). This may become the practice manual, and you may understand how to go ahead of your own research and how to grow yourself up, and what the teacher expects. This manual can be used not for your laboratory life, but for other creative tasks.

Eleven Practices of Effective Postgraduate Supervisors
Authors: Richard James and Gabrielle Baldwin
Centre for the Study of Higher Education and The School of Graduate Studies, The University of Melbourne

研究指導を成功させる方法 - 学位論文の作成をどう支援するか -
Authors: リチャード・ジェームス,ガブリエル・ボールドウィン 著, 近田 政博 訳

目次 Contents

基礎編 Foundations
1. 学生との信頼関係をつくろう (...ensure the partnership is right for the project)
2. 学生のことを知ろう、そして彼らがどんな研究をしたいのかを把握しよう (...get to know students and carefully assess their needs)
3. 学生に対して適切で、学生と教員双方が合意できるような期待を寄せよう (...establish reasonable, agreed expectations)
4. 学生と一緒に取り組み、頑健な理論枠組みと研究計画を立てよう (...work with students to establish a strong conceptual structure and research plan)

応用編 Momentum
5. 学生に早めに、そして頻繁に書くように勧めよう (...encourage students to write early and often)
6. 学生と定期的に連絡を取り、良質なフィードバックを与えよう (...initiate regular contact and provide high quality feedback)
7. 学生が大学院生活に没頭するように促そう (...get students involved in the life of the department)
8. 学生に知的刺激を与え、研究意欲を高めるように支援しよう (...inspire and motivate)
9. 学生に研究上および個人的な問題が発生した時は支援しよう (...help if academic and personal crises crop up)

仕上げ編 Final Stages
10. 学生の将来のキャリアについて考えてみよう (...take an active interest in students' future careers)
11. 学生の最終的な研究成果を精査しよう (...carefully monitor the final production and presentation of the research)

I also recommend the books:
How to Get a PhD: A Handbook for Students and Their Supervisors
Authors: Estelle M Phillips, Derek S Pugh
Open University Press; 6th Revised

Authors: E・M・フィリップス (著), D・S・ピュー (著), 角谷 快彦 (翻訳)