




1996年2月に提出した修論は、当時のMac(OS 7.x)で書いてMOディスクに保存していた(ディスク容量128MB)。いつかデータが取り出せなくなると、気にはなりながら放置していたが、28年経ってようやく取り組んだ



MOドライブとWindows11をそのまま接続してみた(USB Type-A)。MOドライブは認識されたが、MOディスクは認識されない。「フォーマットしますか?」というメッセージに「ディスクのフォーマット(初期化)」ボタンをついクリックしそうになるが「キャンセル」汗




ようやく調べ始めて「macOS 1996年 MO読めない」でググると、「MacDrive」や「Paragon HFS+ for Windows」などのソフトをインストールするとよさげとあったので(記事は古かったけど)、やってみた。が、結果は「トライ1」と同じ。一方、やりながら徐々に思い出してくる。当時のフォーマットは、「HFS(Hierarchical File System)」だった・・・


「hfs windows 読み込み」でググると「HFSExplorer」というソフトが比較的新しい記事で見つかったので、インストール(Java Runtimeのインストールも必要)。文字化けはしているが、MOドライブの中身が取り出せた!

当時使用していたFormZという3Dモデラ―、WWW関連の研究をしていたので当時のWebブラウザNetscapeVRMLブラウザ・Webscape Navigatorのスクショを貼り付けておきます。懐かしい。けど、やはり進化してきたなぁ



VRMLブラウザ: WebSpace Navigator


MO: Magneto-Optical disk


MO Data Retrieval Project

My master's thesis, submitted in February 1996, was written on a Mac (OS 7.x) and stored on a MO disk (128MB capacity). I was afraid that one day I would not be able to retrieve the data, but after 28 years I finally tackled the project.

I rented a MO drive since I don't use it anymore, and since it's an overnight stay, I decided to do it on a business day.

[Try 1]

I connected the MO drive and Windows 11 as is (USB Type-A), the MO drive was recognized, but the MO disk was not. The message "Do you want to format? I almost clicked the "Format (Initialize) Disk" button, but it said "Cancel" and "Sweat".

[Try 2]

I plugged the MO drive into my current Mac. The result was the same as in "Try 1". It's already incompatible with my old MacOS.

[Try 3]

I finally started researching and googled "macOS 1996 MO unreadable" and found that installing software like "MacDrive" or "Paragon HFS+ for Windows" seemed like a good idea (the article was old), so I tried it. But the result was the same as "Try 1". On the other hand, I started to remember what I had done. The format back then was "HFS (Hierarchical File System)"...

[Try 4]

I googled "hfs windows read" and found "HFSExplorer" software in a relatively recent article, so I installed it (Java Runtime installation is also required). I was able to extract the contents of the MO drive, although the characters were garbled!

I'll add a screenshot of the FormZ 3D modeler I was using at the time, the web browser Netscape and the VRML browser Webscape Navigator when I was doing WWW-related research. I miss them. But I still think they have evolved.

For my thesis I used Aldus' PageMaker software (later acquired by Adobe), pict for images, and canvas for drawings, so I will have to convert this data from now on (it will be hard...), but... for now I am happy that I can get the data out. I am happy that I can get the data out.

MO: Magneto-Optical Disk