

出版しました:Resilient and Responsible Smart Cities, Volume 2


編集者の一人として従事させて頂いた書籍「Resilient and Responsible Smart Cities Volume 2」がSpringer社より本日出版されたようです。ご笑覧いただければ幸いです。

昨夏出版したVolume1では査読者のお名前が掲載されず大変残念に感じていましたが、今回は、Front Matterに掲載されています。骨を折ってくださった世界中のcolleaguesに感謝です。ありがとうございました。

Resilient and Responsible Smart Cities, Volume 2

Editors: Hassan Abdalla, Hugo Rodrigues, Vimal Gahlot, Mohammad Salah Uddin, Tomohiro Fukuda
Publisher: Springer
Hardcover ISBN: 978-3-030-86498-9
About this book: This book aims to establish a community with attention to land use to achieve sustainable development and meet the needs of today’s society. Urban planning depends on engineering, architectural, social and political pillars. It pursues this by proposing solutions, regulating environmental pollution and non-sustainable use of available resources. It showcases and even triggers further debate about connections between sustainable development, urban planning and technology in hopes of achieving sustainable development models that sustain urban expansion and shape cities that improve the overall quality of life. It views urban planning and development as vital fields that ensure the application of revolutionary approaches with new materials and processes incorporated in the most efficient manner.
