

CAADRIA2011 第2日.

4月28日は,CAADRIA2011 in Newcastle 2日目.

Keynote Lecture.
CHRIS BOSSE: More with Less - Digital Cathedral and the city of the 21st century- LAVA (Lab for Visionary Architecture)
ご存じ,北京オリンピック水泳場water cube(水立方)をデザイン.印象に残った一言:"9 out of ten projects will never happen."

■CAADRIA2011 Conference Dinner会場は,Fort Scratchley にて.かつての要塞で砲台がありました.寒かったのですが空はよく澄み渡り,南十字星(Southern Cross)を初めて見ましたよ.

- Abstract Submission: 182
- Abstract Acceptance: 140
- Full paper Submission: 89
- Full paper Acceptance: 78
- Publication: 72

- Generative and parametric design
- Virtual and interactive environments
- Ubiquitous computing
- Design cognition
- Computational design analysis
- Computational research in design education
- Theory, philosophy and methodology of computational design research
- Computer-supported design collaboration
- Design intelligence and automation

CAADRIA2011 official page
CAADRIA official page