

第4回国際VRシンポジウムにて - 2.

昨日は,東京・目黒雅叙園での,第4回国際VRシンポジウム(4th Int’l VR Symposium)に参加しました.午後のプレゼンテーションを.

■"Touching the untouchable: Immersive Virtual Design Studio" by Marc Aurel Schnabel Chinese University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong

■"Isovist Analysis Realized through Point Cloud Visualization in UC-win/Road(ビジュアル空間解析)" by Matthew Swarts Georgia Institute of Technology, USA

■"About interaction between pedestrians and traffic flow(イタリアの歴史的市街地における駐車場問題)" by Paolo Fiamma University of Pisa, Italy

■"Media field navigation(情報分野ナビゲーション)" by Marcos Novak University of California, Santa Barbara, USA

■"Interactive device(インタラクティブ・デバイス開発)" by Taro Narahara New Jersey Institute of Technology,USA

■"RGU new car park and Dee Bridge decongestion(ロバートゴードン大学の新駐車場とDee橋混雑緩和)" by Amar Bennadji Robert Gordon University, UK

■"Personal informatics: Life paths(パーソナル・インフォマティクス:人生の道すじ)" by Kostas Terzidis Harvard University, USA

■"City Design Generation without Scripting(スクリプト不要の都市デザイン生成)" by Yoshihiko Kobayashi Prism Lab / Arizona State University, USA