


On Tuesday, I arrived at Zurich, Switzerland via Helsinki, Finland.
From 15th-Sep., I am joining the eCAADe2010 (Education and Research in Computer Aided Architectural Design in Europe) academic conference at ETH Hönggerberg Campus.

The main theme of eCAADe2010 in Zurich, Switzerland is "Future Cities".
The session themes are "CAAD Curriculum", "New Design Concepts and Strategies", "Generative and Parametric Design", "Design Tool Development", "Simulation and Visualization, Prediction and Evaluation", "Collaborative Design", "Virtual Reality", "City Modelling", and "Information/Knowledge Architecture".

95 full papers are presented in eCAADe2010 after reviewing more than 220 submitted 1500 words abstracts.

- Main presentation room of eCAADe2010 at ETH. Very cool & smart.

- Photo of a session in eCAADe2010. Presentation and discussion about BIM/CAD/CAM/GIS/GA/GPS/LCC/PM/VR...